NaNoWriMo 2018 week 2: Distractions

The second week of NaNo is already over.

I have not been able to write as much as I would have liked and that also shows in my word-count. I’m going to fall behind! But no reason to panic, I still have two weeks.

This week was filled with distractions and that is no good if you want to write. Last time I said that I prefer working at home because it is nice and quiet and that is the case most of the time. However, I have two kittycats walking around who occasionally require extra attention. I can tell you: it’s not great for your concentration.

Besides, the Book Festival is here in the neighborhood tomorrow and of course I can’t resist going there for a while. After all, you never have enough books … 😉

Of course, I also have many other things to do that have to do with my work, but where I am not writing my manuscript. Preparations for events, promotion, keeping up with the sites, things for the publishing house and projects that I can not say anything about at the moment. 😉

And then we of course have the biggest culprit when it comes to distractions; Internet and Social Media. Because oh, it’s so tempting to open Facebook or Insta if you get stuck in your story. Before you know it you’re peeping around for an hour and of course you do not write a word.

Also apps, phone calls and daily things (messages, housekeeping, social contact) can take more time than you had estimated in advance. At least in my case, but I am not the best planner hahaha!

I also have been sick and that takes up a lot of energy. Energy I would rather put in my writing.

Still, I want to win NaNo this year and I will therefore have to work extra hard. That will be difficult, because this weekend I have no time to write and next week I have two book events. Hopefully I can catch up after that.

So, ignore distraction and take next week head on! What distracts you when you’re writing?

Lots of love, Patty

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